Kursuppspel/rookies/class hows

Kulturnatten 2024

Stadens sånger - musikal

Improv Shows in English
NorenRedux in English
Improv Karaoke Show Night
The Hotpot
Hotpot: Late Night Musical


Det är svensk högsommar och familj och vänner möts igen på sommarnöjet 
Nu ska det äntligen kopplas av och bara njutas av umgänge, god mat och gott sällskap. Men det är något som krackelerar i den borgliga fernissan, vänskap och relationer sätts plötsligt prov när mörka hemligheter dras fram i det obarmhärtiga solljuset. Efter denna sommar är inget längre som förut.

I denna helt improviserad föreställning har vi tagit inspiration av Lars Noréns sommarpjäser som ofta utspelar sig på den borgerliga familjens sommarnöjen.

Att improvisera en helaftonsföreställning i Lars Noréns anda och själ är den största utmaningen som Stockholms improvisationsteater har tagit sig an under sina 30 år som fri teatergrupp. Att gestalta både sorg, glädje och bråddjupet i stunden är ett examensprov i den ädla konsten att improvisera.

OBS! Föreställningen har en 15-årsgräns pga känsligt innehåll.

Idé och regi: Janne Berg och Per Gottfredsso

Medverkande skådespelare:
Eric Stern, Helena Zetterman, Lis Rosenqvist, Viktor Bjule-Öberg, Helena Lindegren, Per Gottfredsson, Caroline Falck, Janne Berg, Stina O`Connel och Therese Hörnqvist

Musiker: Mats Karlsson
Ljusdesign: Lena Bergstedt
Scenografi: Lina Serning
Mask: Agnes Kenttä
Ljusskötare: Annika Englund/Anders Öhman
Grafisk formgivning: crashboombang.se 

Spelas kl 19.00:

Februari 9, 23
Mars 8, 22
April 12, 26



Improv Karaoke Show Night

Hey there dreamers and music enthusiasts! Come and put your name in a hat and improvise a song with a title from the audience.

Ever found yourself belting out tunes in the shower, imagining yourself under the spotlight, with a roaring crowd cheering you on? If your answer is YES, then mark April 7th on your calendar because we've got an evening tailor-made for you!

Forget about hitting all the right notes or perfect dance moves - if you're up for a night of spontaneous fun, showcasing your hidden talents, then we want you with us!

But hey, if you prefer to be part of the cheering crowd, that's cool too! Come join us in the audience and witness the birth of new Improv Karaoke sensations!

So, what's the plan for the evening? Simple - toss your name into the hat! Whether you're a planned performer or you decide on joining us in the middle of the evening, everyone's welcome to take the stage.

Here's the deal: a two act evening of pure spontaneity and musical madness. Selected performers get a backstage moment to channel their inner rockstar - costume, makeup, the works. Then, it's lights up, stage on fire, and you're the Star Singer!

But wait, there's more! You'll be challenged to roll with the punches - maybe sing a song with a title plucked straight from the audience's imagination!

Feeling like you need a little backup? No worries, just give the hosts a nod and we'll bring it to you - backing vocalists, extra singers, even some fancy dance if that's what you want.



Per Gottfredsson, Paulina Drzastwa, Michael Håkansson
Piano: Kettil Medelius

Date :

Friday May 3 at 19.00
Price: 100 - 150 SEK




The Hotpot show

A new season of Hotpot and the pot is getting even hotter!

The first act will be all about you: the Audience. We'll play scenes inspired, influenced, and directed by you. It's all about you!

And if you dare putting your name in the Hotpot, you might even join us on stage.

The second act is one, longer story where the experienced cast of improvisers will bring the heat.

Come join us in the Hotpot. We're waiting.



Actors: Anna Harvard, Jeff Graham, Jesper Eriksson, Moa Engström, Stefan Andersson, Tamara Maasdam

Piano: Gustaf Blix (6/4, 27/4)

Hotpot is played :

March 23 at 19.00
April 6 at 19.00
April 27 at 19.00




Ny musikal!

Stadens sånger är en improviserad musikal där vi får möta människor som försöker få vardagen att gå ihop i takt till stadens puls. Vanliga människor får bli hjältar i sina egna berättelser och vi öppnar den stora sångboken som är livet i Stockholm.

Medverkande skådespelare Janne berg, Moa Engström, Viktor Öberg Bjule, Stina O'Connell, Per Gottfredsson, Karin Lindqvist och Caroline Falk
Regi: Caroline Falk
Musiker: Kettil Medelius
Artwork: Alex Pacheco

Spelas kl 19.00:
Mars 2, 9
April 5, 19
Maj 4, 11



NorénRedux in English

It is Swedish high summer and family and friends meet again for some summer fun.
Now it's finally time to relax and just enjoy socializing, good food and games. But there is something cracking in the bourgeois veneer, friendships and relationships are suddenly put to the test when dark secrets are revealed in the merciless sunlight. After this summer, nothing will be the same anymore.

In this completely improvised performance, we have taken inspiration from Lars Norén's summer plays, which often take place at the middle-class family's summer house.

Improvising an all-night performance in the spirit and soul of Lars Norén is the biggest challenge that Stockholm's improvisation theater has taken on during its 30 years as an independent theater group. Portraying both sadness, joy and the urgency of the moment is a graduation test in the noble art of improvisation

ATTENTION! The show has a 15-year age limit due to sensitive content.

Idea and direction: Janne Berg och Per Gottfredsso

Participating Actors: :
Eric Stern, Helena Zetterman, Lis Rosenqvist, Viktor Bjule-Öberg, Per Gottfredsson, Caroline Falk, Janne Berg, Stina O´Connell and Therese Hörnqvist.

Musician: Mats Karlsson
Lighting design: Lena Bergstedt
Scenography: Lina Serning
Mask: Agnes Kenttä
Light manager: Annika Englund/Anders Öhman/Angelica Regnell
Graphic design: crashboombang.se 


May 10 at 19.00



Hotpot: Late Night Musical
It's showtime!

We're serving songs and scenes of cheerful comedy, heartfelt drama and every flavour in between.
Everything is totally improvised.
Come and enjoy an unscripted hour of fun entertainment.

Cast: Eva Löfgren, Jesper Eriksson, Karin Lindqvist, Moa Engström, Tamara Maasdam
Musician: Gustaf Blix

Hotpot: Late Night Musical is played :

April 6 around 21.00
April 27 around 21.00



Guest performance: Köttet & Troubadour Tales

Act 1
The duo Köttet consists of Jesper Eriksson and Michael Håkansson. For a little over five years, Köttet has been playing shows all around, and outside of, Stockholm.

Köttet's show will take you on a free form adventure, into an oftentimes absurd and abstract new realfffity where, with a strong connection to the audience, they will explore the people living there and their relationships.

Jesper and Michael aim for a playstyle that is physical and intimate, wild and surprising and with a direct and strong scenic expression.

Act 2
A charismatic Troubadour and two actors take the audience for a journey in this soulful, gritty and hilarious improvised tale about dreams. With beautiful music and captivating storytelling this tale will not only entertain but move you as well.

Improvisers: Katarina Wahlberg, Josh Lenn, Ola Aurell


April 21 at kl 19.00



Kurser i impro
Teater För Jobbet

Improv courses in English
Improv shows in English
Contact us

© 1989 - 2024 Med ensamrätt
Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Sigtunagatan 12, 113 22 Stockholm
info@impro.a.se 08 - 30 62 42

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